A community is simply a group of individuals living together in a given location or gather for a routine habit. It is inevitable for one to belong to a certain community because by nature, man is meant to live amidst other humans thus the saying no man is n island. Just as the writer of Ecclesiastes emphasizes that two are better than one, this presupposes that man should in a way live in a certain kind of organization-community. If the need to belong is justifiable, the next question would be what makes the community that man should live in? John Finnis in his writing tries to emphasize the fact that community is a matter of relationship and interaction, a form of unifying relationship between human beings. This justifies the need to examine what real makes of a community of which man exists. First, a community is a group of individuals that have consciously or unconsciously selected themselves to be part. Sometimes the habits, behavior, race or even employment determines the type of...