
Showing posts from March, 2012

Agriculture ministry must put public interest first

It has been reported in the media that the ministry of Agriculture stands to lose Shs 1bn which it paid as rent for offices in Kampala if the ministry fails to move there. The ministry has given convenience and accessibility by Parliament and members of the public as some of its reasons for shifting. I find these reasons valid. However, the ministry officials have declined to move to their new offices in Kampala, advancing excuses like the new offices being too hot. They claim that they sit like students in a classroom, with only tables separating them. Much as there is need for proper working conditions, the demand for it should be reasonable. I wonder whether the offices have no ventilation or is it air conditioning that they meant? Many Ugandans are working in far worse conditions, but they still serve Ugandans wholeheartedly. I am very disappointed that these officials put their interests before the public’s. Michael Aboneka Jr.,

Uganda-at-50 has made me patriotic

On February 19, the Uganda National NGO forum and its partners launched the Uganda-at-50 awareness campaign in most parts of the country to create awareness amongst the citizenry about the need to celebrate 50 years of independence. Independent Uganda will be 50 years old on October 9, 2012, and I am glad that civil society and government have taken this anniversary as a serious matter. Most Ugandans do not know the history of their country, and as a result, they pay little allegiance to it. Knowing one’s history plays an important role in shaping one’s future from lessons learnt from the past. I had the opportunity to attend the launch and I learnt quite a great deal about my country. I now have positive feelings for the Pearl of Africa. Ugandans should get involved in this campaign and the older citizens could tell the younger ones about where our country came from and the long and arduous road it took to get to where we are, and how we could avoid falling down the abyss once more. M...