Fiat justitia ruat caelum: Let Justice be done though the Heavens fall
1.ARRESTING OF PEOPLE WHO BUY FROM HAWKERS- (SECTION 16 TRADE LICENSING ACT CAP 101) After chasing the hawkers off the street, KCCA embarked on yet another journey of arresting people who buy from Hawkers-this they chose to call it "abetting hawking." A number of people were arrested, spent more than 48hours in detention, appeared before the magistrate and found guilty Under Section 16(1). Section 16(1) of the Act provides that "No person shall act as a hawker unless he or she is in possession of a valid hawkers licence granted to him or her for that purpose by the licensing authority." Section 1 defines a hawker as; "means a person who, whether on his or her own account or as the servant of another person, sells goods by retail other than in trading premises or in a market established under the Markets Act." The reading of these two sections clearly spelt out that the subject matter in this legislation is the hawker and not the buyer. Unless there is ...