Church is not Immune to the laws of the Land

Source: Internet I have read and heard many arguments that have pointed to the church not being subjected to the laws of their land rather than the Bible. They are nice arguments that can pass for a theology class, but not a legal one. Uganda is a secular State, which means that every person, authority or organisation must submit to the law of the land as stated in Article 2 of our Constitution. The same Constitution recognises the freedom of association and worship, however, whatever the practice or religion it is, they must conform to the Constitution (Article 29(c)). It is, therefore, imperative to note that there is no one above the law and as such, everybody must heed the Constitution. Article 3 of the Constitution calls for the defence of the Constitution. This means that if there are attempts to amend the Constitution in any unconstitutional means or in a manner that is likely to jeopardise the spirit of the law, then...