We need Unity in our diversity
I have observed with sadness the degeneration of our society based on tribal and ethnic lines. This has been perpetuated through various forms especially in the entertainment industry--where now for every comedian to succeed, they think they have to make tribal and sectarian "jokes" which is in actual sense breaking the unity we have struggled to build as a country. Why must every "cool" comedy have to be about tribes and their characterization? We are busy promoting sectarianism in the name of comedy! What we are forgetting is that these so called jokes sink right in the minds of our children and as such, we are killing our next generation. Secondly, I have seen other tribes calling themselves special than others which consequently affects their relations with the rest, politicians promoting sectarianism by their acts and especially appointments among others. Further, this vice has continued o thrive in our churches, offices, mosques, businesses at the watch of ...