
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Africa We want

Africa is the richest continent in the world. It is endowed with fresh waters, minerals, oil and gas, rich flora and fauna and beautiful people. We may not know what the Africa we want will be like in 2063 but we can work on things that we don’t want to see. The pre-colonial era (before 1963) Africa was busy dealing with struggles for independence, foreign supremacy and dominances, marginal ignorance and illiteracy, sicknesses and was basically operating in a survival mode. The post independent era brought a new Africa-Africans started to have freedoms, most countries gained independence, and ruthless policies like apartheid were defeated. We no longer had any new excuse, it was a new dawn for Africa-it was a bright morning for Africa to rise and make the best out of its endowments. The African Union Agenda 2063 is an aspiration of Africa premised on the above history; we needed to re-think and plan the Africa we want in the next 50 years. The Agenda will help us focus to deliver an ...