mystery of love ...serry three

My own view about a suitable partner for a relationship is one who is “beautiful.” This is the kind of person you are extremely attracted to. Beauty is of two aspects one of the inside and of the outside. Beauty of the outside; this means that one is attracted to the whole physical appearance of the spouse/partner. The one of the inside means that similarly the partner is attracted to the behaviors of the partner. What makes men very happy is marrying a very beautiful, caring, loving and respectable wife. Times have changed and today men cherish falling in love with women who are hard working normally referred to as strong women. I personally would not hesitate falling in love with a woman of a higher /better status as compared to mine. However in this, one has to be careful because being better in status might become a source of none submission and disrespect to the husband thereby violating the Biblical provisions.

The women on the contrary love men who will make them feel secure, this does not appeal to being physically strong but rather capable of loving and doing whatever it takes to make her happy. Some look at security in form of wealth and if the husband has a lot of money then it means that he is respectable in society and similarly applies to the wife. The man with enough money is more appealing to most women because they assume that kind of man is capable of looking after the wife and provide all her necessities and to the family at large. They further more love men who are famous, of integrity and high repute in the society. With such a man she feels proud moving around in society for all the other women to see and probably envy her for having won the heart of that “Mr. Right.” Such men are nowadays referred to as Salvador, and some of these qualities make men lose the fruits of love simply because women reject them for fear of never being respected.
To many, marrying a famous husband is prestigious which I am in disagreement with because fame takes long to be built but is lost in the blink of an eye.

As a general conclusion, I have come to appreciate the true meaning of love as a feeling resulting into becoming emotional about someone/something. It should be personal and those who get involved into it should not be coerced by others and those already in love should not be doubtful of the commitment of their spouses because this might become a loophole leading to the breakup of the relationship.


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