We must Speak Truth to Power

For some time now, since after elections, there have been mixed reactions from the public especially on the outcomes of the elections and the post election management processes especially by the state. We have had so many questions especially regarding the Electoral processes which was marred with several illegalities which most of them go root to undermining the right to vote by the citizens.
Whereas the electoral Commission has made several few responses and whereas a presidential petition lays before the Supreme Court, we as Ugandans deserve honest conversations and answers to what is going on in this country. The continued siege of Dr. Kiiza Besigye's home, the various election violence incidents, the police raids in the various parts of the country among others continue to depict a hopeless state of society that we are living in.

Uganda is for us all and we therefore need to speak truth to power and the power should listen and respond to our concerns! No one has monopoly over Uganda and as such, the state should allow various conversations to continue as this will lead to certain healing of bleeding hearts. In addition, the excess deployment and curtailing of civil liberties, the detention of various party opponents remain alarming and a threat to our democracy.

Whatever the case may be, we need a united, prosperous country with happy people and everyone of us should play their role in ensuring this happens but of courser the larger burden rests on the state and its institutions to rebuild trust between them and the citizens otherwise all these several efforts will be fetching water in a basket.

We need to be serious with how our Country is run therefore, I call upon all stakeholders in Uganda's development to play their role in ensuring that Justice prevails even though the heavens fall.

Michael Aboneka Jr


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