Freedom Fighters are Servants

Freedom-fighters is now a household name in Africa as many parts were liberated by a few individuals who took up arms to oppose the colonial rule and bad governance at the time. The major driver for the freedom fighters was to restore justice and peace against all odds. Many were welcomed as heroes and saviors for liberating their communities from oppression. What was clear is that the freedom fighters were self-nominated as no one appointed them to fight for the good for the community but rather believed they could cause a change on behalf of the people. It is important to note that our fore fathers were selfless men who stood against all tides for the sake of the community. They were servants.

Recently, some freedom fighters suggested to their community that they are not servants and employees but freedom fighters who are fighting for their own beliefs. Without going to details of their beliefs, this act is selfish and doesn’t depict the character of freedom fighters I have known and read about. Freedom fighting is not simply an event, it is a process that one undertakes to ensure their communities are liberated regardless of their individual beliefs. The common goal is to achieve the public good out of every battle. What makes the 21st century freedom fighters different from others is that they swear an oath of allegiance to serve and protect and defend the people and the Constitution. The act of swearing –in is in itself certifying servant hood-that one will serve his people as per the Rubric. It is funny how the same freedom fighters parade themselves before voters pleading for votes so they can assume office. If you are fighting for your own beliefs, why do you need a 300 page manifesto, 3 month long campaign and defend your votes as well? It simply indicates that some freedom fighters are living in denial of reality- that the times have changed when the people have to endorse their own liberators from poverty, sickness, hunger and indignity.

The new system of choosing leaders is elections-which are periodical (after 5 years). Here, people choose their own leader to serve them for that period of time and they (voters) continually asses the leaders’ performance as against their promises. It is therefore breach of the social contract for an individual to claim that they no longer serve the people but only service their own beliefs. This is a blatant vote of no confidence and any serious party to the contract (voter) would rescind this relationship. Every leader must learn that they are leaders because they need to serve the community at whatever cost-this is the greatest sacrifice and obligation that is required of any leader in whatever name (freedom fighter). We also pay salaries and all privileges to these leaders so that they serve us and not their own interests. If a leader is looking up for their own gains, why then should we continue paying them salary, providing privileges and later on recognize them! Freedom fighters are servants!

Michael Aboneka Jr


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