MPs have failed us on the 20 Million COVID cash

There has been too much activity since Uganda announced its fist cased of COVID-19. The Ministry of Health requested for a supplementary budget before Parliament and what should have been a simple task was a hard one. after days of debate, the supplementary budget was passed and MPS still continued to complain that their role in the fight against COVID is not clear. I was wondering whether MPs have quickly forgotten their role, the role of Parliament is clearly established which among others is to make laws, appropriation and over sight. it seems MPs want to tune to being health workers and drivers so that they are at the front line fighting COVID-19? Who then shall carry out the oversight function over Ministry of Health?

As we were still healing from this, Parliament passed 10 Billion shillings translating to 20 Million for each MPs so that they join the fight against COVID-19. The question is, what exactly are the MPs going to do with the money yet they passed a supplementary budget for the Ministry of Health? They are expected to be at Parliament to do their job for which they are paid for and even it is true that they are need to fight COVID-19, what exactly are they going to do. It is unfotuante that COVID-19 has become an opportunity for squandering money and yet the poor Ugandans continue to struggle with hunger on a daily basis.

it is therefore unfortunate that the MPs who are supposed to be holding Government accountable are again involving themselves in partaking the little we have. So who then shall play an oversight role over the Parliament? To whom will they account the 20Million to/ For whatever reasons, there is no justification for dishing out 20 Million to each MP when we need more money to pay health workers , food and PPEs and while else where in the world Leaders are donating their salaries to the cause! This act is a vote of no confidence in our Parliament and we shall hold them accountable in the near future.

By Michael Aboneka Jr


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