We should not run the county on tribalism but merit

 By Michael Aboneka Jr

I know that we all love our tribes, and it is a good thing for cultural identity. This is fine, we must be united in our diversity. The problem though is that most of us have instead disadvantaged others because they are not of our tribes. None of us applied to our parents to be born in a certain clan or region or tribe and this means that above all, we are human beings who should embrace, support and work together regardless. This is the reason why Nepotism, sectarianism are criminal offences rooting from the principle of non-discrimination.

Majority of us are employing our siblings, relatives just because they are our own and not based on merit and by this, we have disadvantaged people who are competent and deserve the jobs and placements on merit. It has gotten worse to the extent that the offices in this country have replaced the official language, English as provided for under Article 6 of the with their local languages; which again is not bad but you cannot speak lusoga to one who doesn’t understand it and you still insist that the person must understand you. The impunity with which this habit has grown is saddening to the extent that if you speak English in these offices, which is by the way the official language, you are scorned and may never get the services you intended to get in the first place.

We have further taken tribalism to ringfencing public offices. Recently, at the demise of the late Governor of Bank of Uganda, some members from Kigezi appealed to the President to ringfence the job for them even and now the Acholi Parliamentary caucus is driving the same agenda for the speakership! This is sad! We are all Ugandans who deserve to serve Uganda on merit and not based on tribes. We are a unique country with diversity and so we should unite and support each other in our uniqueness. Be that as it may, it is imperative that while recruiting and appointing public servants, regional balance is key. You cannot have one region or tribe taking up everything and preaching to others not to go tribal; for doing so will be hypocrisy! Every Ugandan should share the national cake both at leadership, public and civil service and everywhere.

As a country, we need to transcend  beyond our tribal inclinations , celebrate our diversity but above all serve Uganda!  


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