We need a listening and responsive government


By Michael Aboneka Jr

One of the cornerstones of democracy is meaningful public participation in all decision-making processes. For long, we the voters have struggled to get the government to listen and later give us feedback. It is sad that our servants, who are working on a 5 year social contract, are instead dismissing our opinions and asks. This is unacceptable! When they want votes, they will traverse all the corners of the country and beg for votes, albeit with empty promises and when the citizens have asks, they are dismissed with contempt!

Why would voters demand for a borehole for 15 years, but in vain? Why must I demand for street lighting repeatedly and have no single response from the Minister responsible? Why must we cry over commodity prices and the only response is dismissing us to cassava for bread and paw-paw leaves for soap? Why must we cry out for exorbitant school dues and unnecessary school requirements and there is slow response? Why then, did we vote? Why do we have a government that cannot listen to its citizens and neither responds to their calls? Why must we continue to pay taxes yet we are begging for services?

It is painful to be Ugandan nowadays, for you wonder who is going to listen to you! For a democracy to which Uganda is, a listening and responsive government is what people need. Leaders must respect the citizens and facilitate cordial discussions and conversations! We are not at war, the language in which the leaders use nowadays is as if the government is at war with its citizens! This is not healthy for any government! Government cannot be dismissive of citizens on every issue, for the freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to dissent must be upheld, always!

As a country, we need healing! The dismissive and arrogant behavior will not solve citizen’s needs. We as citizens must be respected before the leaders demand for it! We desire a Uganda where the citizens are King; where their voices are heard, where the channels for open expression of their views are open and clear! It is not late!


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