Mystery of love series...serry two
In relationships there is a lot of pretence and appreciation, this is what has made them last long. Many of the married people and loved ones have actually come to discover that whatever qualities they desired in a spouse are just a few if not at all he/she is having any. There is no perfect person in life, and we are all disappointing, make mistakes as it is human to do so, it is only and only God who is perfect. You will get attracted to some one at first sight and think this is the perfect choice this time around, will get engaged with him/her while looking out whether he/she possesses the qualities you desire. It will take you some time while still in courtship and later on discover that you are losing interest in this same person you were talking about and introducing to your friends all the time. Note that, this is human and not a sign of having chosen the wrong choice, it happens to even those who have spent decades in marriage. My humble appeal to you is looking for alternative...