Mystery of love series...serry two

In relationships there is a lot of pretence and appreciation, this is what has made them last long. Many of the married people and loved ones have actually come to discover that whatever qualities they desired in a spouse are just a few if not at all he/she is having any. There is no perfect person in life, and we are all disappointing, make mistakes as it is human to do so, it is only and only God who is perfect. You will get attracted to some one at first sight and think this is the perfect choice this time around, will get engaged with him/her while looking out whether he/she possesses the qualities you desire. It will take you some time while still in courtship and later on discover that you are losing interest in this same person you were talking about and introducing to your friends all the time.

Note that, this is human and not a sign of having chosen the wrong choice, it happens to even those who have spent decades in marriage. My humble appeal to you is looking for alternative ways to rekindle your love life other than breaking up because the same will keep on happening to you. Man/woman my advice to you is to settle and stick to one partner/person because keeping on wandering will be a disappointment for the rest of your life.

Love is the perseverance and trust coupled with hope and satisfaction that the person/spouse you have gotten is better than every one in the world. Comparison of one’s spouse with those of others will lead to lack of satisfaction and in the end break up of the relationship since trust, care and love are lost. Learn to respect and appreciate one another because lack of satisfaction and appreciation for one another for the little your spouse provides for you might make you lose even that little and become desperate for the rest of your life. Before carrying out research, I used to think that living longer in a relationship entirely depends on finding some one with the looks and qualities that one desires. This is in fact not true, consultation from people and elders who have spent a long time in marriage and relationships informed me that having a perfect relationship is a mystery. These have managed to live longer with their spouses due to the men loving their wives and women being submissive to the husbands. This is obviously coupled with being trustworthy, loving and caring to one another.

Note that, there are very many people in the world, who are looking, have looked and have never found love; they have tried as much as they can to be kind, caring, trustworthy and they have often been rejected. For those who have already found love, count your self lucky and thank God for he has been so kind to you and helped you find the love of your life. Love is indeed unfair because there are very many people in this world who have tried as much as they can to be good, kind, trustworthy, caring to others and have been appreciated by abuse and rejection. My words of sympathy to such people are, “have hope that the sun will one day shine onto your love life and you will meet someone so caring, trustworthy and lovely.” The English have a saying that beauty lies in the hands of the beholder. What might seem beautiful to you will be crap in the eyes of another. And this is the main reason as to why marriage, relationships should be personal. No one should choose or suggest a suitable partner for you because your life will keep on being felt with disappointments. Perhaps some of these people who pretend to be friends with you and suggest suitable spouses are envious of you.

Nkugwa John Michael


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