There have been so many definitions of who a hero is and of course I don’t have a problem to any of them. So many people have done great works for people at the expense of their lives. As Uganda, we have many heroes who were remembered last week on 9th June. Heroes have not just pierced our skies but it has been a trend of life.
Every one today has a hero they remember for doing something great to their dear lives. In the bible, Moses and Joshua are heroes in their own capacity. I had a different idea when it comes to remembering dead persons as heroes because to me a best hero is a live one. Jesus is my best hero as he is living and I have hope and assurance that eternity is also real.
Jesus came for a mission to save mankind from the sin and to fulfill the mission of God of restoring the lost relationship between mankind and God.
To have Jesus as a living hero is the best thing for one to be boastful about because there is already assurance that those who believe in Him will have eternal life. Jesus is a live and his power of resurrection is the reason as to why I am living. Jesus is a merciful hero that he gave his expensive life for my sake. He stooped so low to come and become man, to be mocked, flogged by man so that he fulfills his plan. What a hero? He is willing to do everything for my sake.
The day I learnt that Christ is the best Hero; I surrendered everything to Him and gave my life to Him because He was so humble that he accepted to stoop and come to earth. (Philipians: 2:9). There may be other heroes that you may recognise and respect but Jesus Christ is the best Hero to remember and believe in because he is Alive and seated at the right hand side of the Father.
I urge everyone to embrace Jesus Christ as the overall and leading Hero because so many heroes today actually followed Christ’s path of redeeming others and redemption is here today for everyone to take.

Michael Aboneka Jr.
LLb 2


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