Ask them to Account before they promise!

The campaign season is the season for everything: lies and truths! Every candidate is fighting hard to present themselves as the best candidate before the public eye! We have 8 Presidential candidates but one crowd: 35 Million Ugandans, these don't change, they are constant, therefore, it is always the same crowds but different faces appearing to them!

I have keenly followed the campaign trails and have observed interesting issues! In fact, one may mistake the campaigns to be a christian crusade where the type of conversation in a monologue: There is one preacher and the congregants whose contribution or response is saying "Amen!"
The Campaigns literally are supposed to be conversations between the voters and their upcoming leader! Not a an evangelism event of sorts like I see nowadays! The candidate will take the stage, speak all the good things about themselves, and speak all the bad things about the others and then all of a sudden, you here the crowds chanting slogans of Victory! If we continue like this, we have lost it.

The essence of the campaign to me is to first account before you promise! The leaders who sought our mandate 5 years go should first tell us what they have been able to achieve in accordance with their promises and then what they ought to achieve next! I have found this lacking in almost all the campaigns whether party primaries or presidential! The real questions need to be asked by the voter who is the majority decision maker!

Citizens therefore need to realize the power they hold at such a time and thus use it meaningfully! Let us ask the hard questions, let the leaders account for what they promised before they promise us further! This level of accountability is what builds trust and further translates into votes!

The power is in our hands, to determine the right or wrong leaders! We are the Clients, they are the contractors! We hold all the terms for them to work with, let us form our terms clearly and vote for the best contractor for the betterment and benefit of our Uganda!

Michael Aboneka Jr


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