Why Blame voters for their right to choice???

Since Uganda became a multiparty dispensation, the struggle of parties has seemingly grown! The sole purpose to transit from Single party politics to multiparty politics was to allow the thriving of democratic competition which is very healthy for any democracy. By and large, one can say that it is evident that Uganda is a multiparty dispensation if they choose to go by the data. I last checked and we have about 29 registered Political parties in Uganda and to most of them, I have never heard about!

If one chooses to go by the data that Uganda has 29 political parties, they would quickly pass if for being the most democratic! However, given all these political parties, Uganda still runs as a single Political dispensation! The NRM has consolidated itself into power for the last 30 years and the "Multi party dispensation has seemingly died off! Of course there are opposition parties that have stood the test of time to challenge the status quo but whether they have been allowed same opportunity to carry out their activities is another story! The political parties have suffered from the worst flue-Democracy deficits which has been exhibited in various forms. The parties have breached their own party rubric, suffocated mentor ship, witch hunted others, black mailed each other to the extent of public disgust!

The recent and on going NRM party primaries have been the worst ever primaries I have witnessed! I hold so much fear because if a party can exhibit such high levels of deficits, then what would happen to the national scene! The internal party democracy drives the national democracy! Once the political parties are in-fighting, party presidents fighting for transport refunds, party delegates beating up their presidents and so much hooliganism then we cant expect better at the national horizon. I am afraid that I now have a very disturbing picture of the 2016 elections but hope that we shall have resolved these messes!

We need to build robust internal democratic principles of political parties to counter any waves that may hit at one given time and once these are absent, we shall be wasting time calling ourselves a democracy! We all aspire for a better Uganda and better continent and I don't know why it is very difficult to work towards this!
If 2016 elections are to succeed well, parties need to re-organize themselves better!!

Michael Aboneka Jr


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