The Politics of T-shirts and Kaveera Pilao

Barely a few days before Ugandans go the polls, the political arena worsens daily! From the political candidates to the voters, everyone seems to be in a survival mode! The conflicts and violence arising out of the various camps is also costing a lot as a country and unfortunately, some of these are sparked off by the candidates. There is no longer nothing to admire about politics as those who call themselves politicians run their camps as projects! Of recent there have been exchanges which one would term as " a cold war" between President and Candidate Museveni and Amama Mbabazi over their supporters' mischief. The very arrogant gestures leave nothing but worries especially to the young generation who unfortunately have allowed to be manipulated at the expense of their lives.

The Police's involvement and seemingly rally behind one candidate is very evident and as such, one wonders whose allegiance they serve: is it for the public good or the chosen few? The event unfolding as we near polls are very saddening and condemnable! The Media is being threatened with others battered for doing their job! All these happen in the eyes of the Electoral Commission which has unfortunately turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is happening and they are proud to say that their job is to wait and declare a winner! This is so remote! The election process is not an event, it is a process!

They youth are being manipulated daily, being scarified for others' sake! While the elephants quarrel fro their comforts sipping champagne, the youth are fighting and battling each other. The youth have continued to cross and re-cross from one party to another, one camp to another and this sort of crop rotation will never end! But what is the problem? It is all mickey mouse politics, there is no one to set an example for others to follow, there is no institutional trust and people are left to deal and figure out hat works well for themselves.

The voters have reduced themselves to a commodity for purchase by the so called politicians: From ferrying them to the rallies, feeding them, dancing for them, paying them off for a vote is what the political candidates are doing without shame! We have lost our power as citizens to mere salt, butter, t-shirt and "kaveera-pilao" and this is very sad!

We have a duty as citizens of Uganda to correct all this mess and transform Uganda to into the desired Haven where every right is respected and every citizen is treated with dignity!

Michael Aboneka Jr


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